Homeland Security Solutions Linked In
Advisory and Business Development


  • Market Analysis
  • Market Intelligence
  • Budget and Program Reviews
  • Product Demand Forecasting
  • Product Quality Evaluation
  • Management / Cultural Assessments
  • Product Evaluation
  • Technology Commercialization
Advisory and Business SupportResiliency and Disaster Management


If your company is trying to develop a new homeland security solution or has a pre-existing product or service for another sector that you believe could be of value in the homeland/national security sectors, you are likely to face numerous challenges getting your products to market. These could include understanding the market (which consists of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and its component agencies; Federal, state and local first responders and the critical infrastructure sector); capitalization; cultivating strategic partnerships; and having access to end-users or manufacturers.


Homeland Security Solutions has developed well-defined, holistic solutions to help companies with bona-fide, innovative technologies connect with the homeland/national security and critical infrastructure communities. One of those solutions is our Market Analysis Program (M.A.P.)

The M.A.P. provides real-time, intelligence-driven market analysis for technology developers, manufacturers, integrators, and investment and law firms. There are two unique aspects about the program that differentiate it from any other offering in this arena – our Critical Infrastructure and First Responder Team and our proprietary market analysis tool.

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First, unlike other market analysis services, Homeland Security Solutions doesn’t take people with business degrees and turn them into homeland and national security experts. Instead, we utilize a national team of current and former critical infrastructure experts and federal, state and local first responders – the end-users of these products or services – to do the analysis and determine the true value of the offering in the homeland security enterprise.

The second, is the proprietary M.A.P. Matrix™ process that our team uses to conduct the analysis that enables our firm’s analysts to gain an unprecedented view of the company and the market/market segment. In short, the M.A.P. will provide you with the best insights and information, thereby mitigating your risks and positioning your technologies or services for maximum opportunities.

Critical Infrastructure and First Responder Team
Understanding the homeland security market is critical to any company’s success. Homeland Security Solutions utilizes a unique team of former first responders and critical infrastructure experts from around the country to ensure that our client’s product or service meets the first responder community’s needs, will be competitive and marketable. This is what differentiates Homeland Security Solutions from our competition.